Recently in CMG (Chaos Magick Group, NSFM), the subject of notorious former member Johnnyd Farris came up. Inspiration suddenly struck me like a bolt of lightning, and I knew I had to find the answer to that burning question: “What ever happened to that guy?”
I decided to find him and interview him right then and there, with no preparation. This is how it went down.
Can I interview you for my website, sir?
How long have you been doing magick?
11 years.
Wow, that’s a long time! What type of magick do you practice? I’ve seen you everywhere from chaos magick groups to witchcraft groups!
How do you identify magically, as a path?
I practice energy manipulation. I like to look at magick as if it’s an unexplored form of science.
So basically I practice my own created form of magick.
Energy manipulation is familiar, but your own created form is intriguing!
What differentiates it from other forms of energy model magick? (If that’s not too secret)
I wouldn’t really consider it much different from some Eastern styles. You take the energy, you change it into something, then you throw it out into the world.
It’s easier to do and much more effective with tools and time.
How did you first get into magick those 11 long years ago, and how different did it look then from your own creation you practice now?
A family friend and I would talk about paranormal stuff all the time. At some point she mentioned that magick was a real thing and I became obsessed with the idea.
I started practicing as a Wiccan and did that for maybe a year or two then I realized that I don’t believe in the Gods. So I became an atheist who practices.
Built my entire practice around science and here I am.
It’s nice that the universe tends to send messengers to those who are receptive eh?
I suppose so.
I love that your paradigm is centered in science, mine often is too.
You’ve made some pretty bold claims in the past. How powerful would you rate yourself compared to the average magic user you might encounter in a Facebook group?
“Powerful” lol. I honestly don’t know how one can compare the power of a practitioner to another, but I would say that a lot of modern practitioners only dabble.
Or decide that they are going to stick to one specific type of magick, dramatically reducing their full capacity.
I would consider myself a rather talented practitioner. And most people on Facebook dabblers.
Well that’s probably true about the dabblers and armchair magicians. You seem pretty humble and grounded now though compared to the last time we spoke.
Were all the bold claims just a phase?
I was a bit of an edgelord.
Lol. Well growth and honesty are both beautiful things.
Any advice to curious noobs out there who are thinking about getting into magic?
So much. But I would say the most difficult phase to get past when you start doing magick is meditation.
I have a student who to this day is still having issues meditating.
If you can’t focus your energy then it’s basically useless.
Do you mean the traditional style of meditation, or do you go for the idea that getting into the trance-like flow of drawing, driving, dangerous sports, etc. is also mindfulness meditation?
Definitely mindful meditation.
My favorite technique is to imagine a ball of energy in my chest and then manipulating that energy throughout my whole body.
What’s the most important lesson that magick has ever taught you?
That the world is a lot bigger than we think it is. There’s a lot more to this reality than most people are willing to admit.
So if you don’t mind my asking where is the interview going?
It’s for
(I remembered you from CMG)
Ohh jeez lol.
I made some of my best friends and worst enemies from that phase.
Yeah, you recently came up in a “Hey, whatever happened to that guy?” type of thread and so here we are.
I’m glad they didn’t forget about me.
I don’t even think that’s possible. You are just as much a legend to the friends you made as the enemies (but in a different way).
How would you say magic has changed your life?
Hard to say, I was 14 when I started practicing. I would say I became a lot more spiritual I suppose.
Magick did make me want to research things more than I did before then. So I would say it made me less dumb.
Not gonna lie, I’m pretty drunk off my ass right now and did not prepare for this at all.
If you were interviewing you, what would you ask yourself that I forgot to ask?
Honestly I base my interview questions on the subject.
The subject is magick and where I am.
Ok, then what is magick, and where are you?
Magick is the manipulation of existing energy.
And I am currently in my house, sitting on a couch watching memes with my boyfriend and brother.
Do you have any big projects you are working on at the moment that you would like to shout out or drop a link to?
Where can people get more Johnnyd Farris?
I have a few. If you want to see more of JohnnydFarris you’ll have to check out my YouTube channel: Mutt Magician
I must warn you though, I’m going to be pretty inconsistent for a little bit.
Oh I’m the same way, no worries. Speaking of which, would you like to be drawn into this tarot deck I’m working on if I ever finish it? Each card is a portrait of an actual magician.
That sounds like fun, I’m down.
Is it cool if I title this interview “Meet the Most Powerful Magician on Earth”
I’d love that, lol.
Here’s are some questions from our readers:
“How does your hair relate to your practice?”
Well to me it doesn’t really factor outside of being a potential spell booster or curse fuel.
If I remember correctly, a long time ago people believe that witches magick came from their hair.
“Becky’s Soul separated from her Being. Which was the real Becky?“
“When you meet an Ascended Master on the path, you should greet them with neither words nor silence.
Tell me, in what way do you greet them?“
A nod.
“Is he ever gonna give us up? Will he run around and desert us? Will he make us cry? Will he lie and hurt us?“
Yes,yes,yes,yes,no and yes.
And yes I get the reference.
Any others memes?
That reminds me:
What’s your favorite occult meme?
Oh my god, that actually made me laugh out loud.
“Do you need a tape measure, to measure that big fat cock?”
No, a ruler will do.
Alright, well I guess that about wraps it up, unless we keep going later as questions come in.
You seem like a pretty chill dude, and this has been a pleasant chat.
Thank you!
I’m more than willing to continue later just text me whenever you have more questions.
I can believe my first interview in years was carried out by a alcoholic. And it probably won’t be the last.
Mkay. It’s me Gog. What did you do with the real Jhonny D impostor?!
What are you doing out of prison?
Awesome interview. Do you follow Alister Crowley’s magic?
Thank You
No. The only thing I really took from him is the word magick.
Goggy? What is all this, now?